Originally Posted by optik_nerve
HAHA, that reminds me of a time, I was hanging out with one of my buddies and there was a house spider on the basement wall. Well, we took a can of WD-40 and a lighter and shot it with the flame...there was a slight black spot where we started, a little black trail from where we chased it and a giant black spot where we caught it.
Glad it wasn't my house.
He ended up retouching it with paint, needless to say.
I was at a party once, and in the front yard of the house there were a few trees that were infested with tent worms. Tent worms are the most disgusting race of insects ever made. Anyway, they make huge silk "tents" in the branches of the tree, and eat the leaves and stuff. We decided it would be fun to "torch them" with a lighter and hairspray. The result was horrible. Flaming catipilars falling from the trees in clumps writhing on the ground like maggots. *shivvvveeerrrr* I will never forget that sight. That was the same night we found out what happens when you hit a can of whipped cream with a hammer.