Osama has been famous in Muslim countries for years now, for his actions against the Russians in Afghanistan. We didn't make him famous, he did it himself. 9-11 only exposed him to the rest of the world.
Well it was the U.S. who funded, armed, and trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan. We also know that there are close family ties between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens. We also know catching him is "not a priority" and that Bush is not willing to commit troops to his capture.
Apparently someone in the U.S. believes him to be more valuable at large than caught. Bin Laden operates as a Goldstein in the war on terror, giving a heirarchy and a face to an otherwise amorphous and disparate group-terrorists. Does al qaeda actually exist? Or is al qaeda operate simply a clearinghouse for Western fears and a funnel for worldwide aggression? Groups calling themselves al qaeda have taken credit for virtually every disaster over the past 4 years including the 2003 New York blackout.