Originally Posted by hannukah harry
not to be contrary, and i'm not specifically calling you this, but this statement of yours is dripping with racism. whether that was your intent or not.
AA is not causing vastly inferior students to be graduate as doctors. last time i checked, AA doesn't graduate anyone. a white student who graduates with a C average is still a doctor, a black kid (whether he got in through AA or not) who graduates with a C average is still a doctor. if they can't cut muster, then they'll fail out. but any minority that makes it through med school does it because of the work they put into it (and the intelligence they have)... not because of AA.
I'm sorry but you are wrong here.
Minority students get into medical school MUCH easier, get extra help and need to maintain a lower GPA at least at the school I attended. In one 'program' they
If you think people who barely scrape by taking classes over many times (they get to) and managing to squeak by with the lowest possible board scores makes them a good doctor, I have to beg to differ.
If you think my statement is dripping with racism you have NO damn clue what is going on. In fact the racism isn't on the part of people like me, I'm just following common sense, but schools who force this stigma of AA on truly qualified minority students. In college I had two hispanic friends. One was in the top of the class and didn't want any help at all, the other did horrible on the MCATS, piss poor in school, failed his board exam the first go, and barely passed it his second try. A white student would have never been accepted with his scores, his grades, or his piss poor performance in medschool. Knowing this guy personally from being in a frat together, I wouldn't trust him to give me a shave, let alone be my physician. Sadly They both get lumped together with the racism that is AA.