Originally Posted by j8ear
This is the key right here. This is the only thing that will work...and the only thing which has worked. The perfect efficiency of a free and unfettered marketplace.
Thanks Boatin'....great points.
I would agree. But I would also suggest that the system needs a push. In my case it came in the form of a friend busting my balls for a while. That doesn't translate real well. Not everyone has the caliber of friends I'm lucky enough to have.
I had the most profitable store in the area, with the fastest growth. My fellow managers wanted to know what I was doing, so I told them: diversity + working
for my staff (doing what they suggested, and working to make their jobs easier and more pleasant).
In both areas, no one really followed. They wanted magic solutions, or something. Unless the regional manager enforced a practice, it didn't happen. This makes me insane, but I know it to be true.
So what is the enforcement/push that will change comfortable behaviors? It's clear to me that the pure profit motive doesn't do it by itself. Even though it sure should...
Question: What is the purpose of affirmative action?
Consider both of my posts to be attempt to answer this question. Change isn't going to magically happen by itself. Even with profit as a driver, it isn't enough. People do what they are comfortable doing. Many need some kind of push to change behavior - even well intentioned people.
Like others in this thread, I'm open to other suggestions.