You were going to be there for only a month more?
Screw it, not worth losing sleep over. I'm sure there are places around that will hire you. Try the local survey crew and see if they need a rodsman. It's easy, it pays well and you get evenings and in most cases weekends off.
As for the "he told me to call in".... it's his word against yours. You're a 19 year old kid just there for Summer employment, he's obviously had time in..... Question is how much do you truly want to push this. If it had been more than just a Summer job, I could see pushing it.
As for "unfairly fired" more and more states are becoming "right to work" states, which means in a nutshell the management can fire you for any reason they want. (They are also using this to bust unions and prevent them from forming, but there is a different place to discuss that.)
As for Steve and Sue being a couple, if you don't have proof and you make that accusation and it again becomes his word against yours and they believe him...... you could find yourself on the bad end of a slander lawsuit. Plus, Steve and his bosses just blow you off as a disgruntled ex-employee.
And if it is true he believed you to be looking down her shirt, there is the possibility that he could always have her say she had problems with you and that is why he moved you away from her. So instead of you blowing the whistle on their relationship, they turn the tables and you're looking at being labelled a sexual harrasser.
In all honesty man, it truly isn't worth the hassle or the worries. The more you worry about it and blow it up the worse it will be for you and the harder it will be to find a job.
I have faith in you, you're smart enough to be a member of TFP, you're smart enough to find a better job one that appreciates you and allows you more growth.
PS: as far as references go..... if you do use them (and having been a Mccy D's manager I don't see why you would) they cannot legally say anything about you other than date of hire and date left. They cannot say if you quit or were fired.... they cannot give out salary info.... they cannot legally answer any questions.
Most companies only confirm employment dates and refuse any other contacts...... as policy to avoid any possibility of lawsuits.
So if you were worried the termination will follow you it won't.... plus at 19 you still have a long long way to go..
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 07-29-2005 at 07:32 PM..