What happened...
After not seeing her for a few days... something happened.
Long story short.
Went out with my boss & staff to see "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory". ( GREAT MOVIE )
Boss invites the girl that I like; but she had other plans.
I told the girl, that I would have liked for her to go with us; because I like her.
Her reaction.... was shocked and flattered. I didn't get enough time to talk to her; because I did it on a whim. I was half naked in a pool and she leaned down as I said this to her.
I hope that tomorrow brings a shimmer of light to this situation. Either that or I can move on with my life.
That was yesterday. Once again today I didn't see her at all; but at least now she knows that I have feelings for her. I'm really growing frustrated at this point; because whenever I feel like talking to her... we're both too busy to chat.