I watched two new episodes the other night. The big Houdini trick and the H2/fakir trick.
Little too melodramatic for my taste, but, wow, he does do some amazing stuff.
His 'deja vu' trick (in the hotel with the two couples...) was really....really cool.
Anybody see the card trick on the bus? I read on the internet how they do it, but that would seem neigh impossible on a moving bus.
By the way, that old guy with the perfect jet black hair that hangs around Criss was on Penn & Teller's Bullshit a few episodes back when they were discussing hair. Seems that fellow's perfect jet black hair is really an elaborate comb over. I don't know why I mentioned that other than I think it's kind of funny.
No signature. None. Seriously.
Last edited by guthmund; 07-31-2005 at 12:05 PM..
Reason: My grammar is horrible sometimes...