Also, someone brought up the point about the league being heavily weighted towards QBs. While it may seem that way on the surface, the number of touches (for RBs) and receptions (WRs) are included in the scoring. I'm not sure if it completely balances things out but I just thought I would mention it. Like I said, everything is open to change except for the number teams and the draft date. This is your league; tell me how you want it.
If you look at the player rankings now, it will show you how many points each player would have gotten under the points system As it is now, the top Qb's last year scored in the range of 500 pts where as the top rb's were only in the 250 range. If you can get it to where there is only 100 pts. or so separating the top qb from the top rb's then I personally think it would create a lot more balance in the league. I left a suggestion to maybe subtract points from QB's for each attempt. Let me know what you think about that...