What is the "August Long Weekend?"
Hmmm....just looked it up:
Civic Holiday [first Monday of August]
National Day [June 24]
Nova Scotia
Natal Day [first Monday of August, except in Halifax where it varies from year to year, usually August or July]
New Brunswick
New Brunswick Day [first Monday of August]
Civic Holiday [first Monday of August]
British Columbia
British Columbia Day [first Monday of August]
Prince Edward Island
Natal Day [by proclamation, usually on first Monday of August]
Civic Holiday [first Monday of August]
Alberta Family Day [third Monday of February]
Heritage Day [first Monday of August]
Celebrated on nearest Monday:
St. Patrick's Day [March 17]
St. George's Day [April 23]
Discovery Day [June 24]
Memorial Day [July 1]
Orangemen's Day [July 12]
Regatta Day / Civic Holiday [fixed by municipal council orders]
Northwest Territories
Civic Holiday [first Monday of August]
Discovery Day [third Monday of August]
Seems to be universal everywhere except the Yukon, and Quebec.
Man those Newfies sure do know how to take some time off, eh?
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.