Originally Posted by raeanna74
Personally I don't like the super skinny look when looking at others and shy away from it for myself. I have plenty of curves. I have been heavier too. I like my curves pretty well. It's when they become little buldges over things or around my bra that I get selfconcious. I don't like when my belly flaps along with my boobs when I'm on top. .
That had me laughing since I can't stand that either and am extremely hesitant to be on top! The men in my life think I'm beautiful and sometimes I believe it. But most times I simply don't see it and dream of making changes.
This was covered to an extent in another thread, but, to repeat it here: Women, especially caucasian women, have the lowest self-image of any group. Media has everything to do with that and until your girlfriend gets it through her head that those models are NOT the norm, that those actresses and rock stars pay thousands of dollars to professional make-up artists and hair stylists(just find that mug shot of Wynonna Ryder and give it to her), then she will probably always think she is less than the perfect woman she truly is for you.
As for me, it's dim lights and on the bottom