1. Money, you can electronically transfer funds right from his account to yours.
You just walk over to your bank together, he hands the teller his bank card and the teller transfers the money to you account.
Instant, and the money is there.
Certified cheques can be forged!!! This can not.
I have sold 3 cars and used this method in 2 cases, the 3'rd was cold hard cash.
2. As far as the tax goes, the buyer pays the tax, though you may have to provide him with the safety certificate and emissions test (depending on where you live)
Other than that, the best thing you can do is to clean the car so you could eat off the floors.
I actually took my seats right out of my old 97, took out the carpets and scrubbed them with a water and Tide. The results were astounding. The car looked like new.