Originally Posted by phredgreen
here's a big question... is your computer in your room? do you hae a crt monitor? those two items tend to act as space heaters, especially if the room is enclosed. follow the advice of those above, and if you can set your monitor to some kind of powersave mode where it actually cuts power to the crt, you may do a bit to help the situation.
That's a pretty good question just because I built a computer a few weeks ago and now my room is very noticeably hotter (Hahah - More power, baby). So turning that off when not in use would be a good idea.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips