You're probably okay. Dell shows the same article of slightly different vintage:
If you're butt's on the line you should verify her system against their tech support - I'm not that familiar with any Dell peculiarities and would hate to see her go down the wrong path. It's going to depend on what she has on her system and what's on their install disks. Vanilla XP is easy but Dell
embellishes their stuff. If nothing else punch her model and service tag into their lookup. Post it here, too. If you're really lucky, someone here works at a Dell shop and can provide specific assistance.
If it's any help, worst case (unless she formats or pulls a real gomer) all her data files are fine but she'll have to reinstall the OS and applications. Shouldn't even have to do that though.
Sorry that took so long. We went to War of the Worlds tonight. Sheez, now I see why it's struggling for viewers.