Originally Posted by stingc
I don't think there are guys out there who don't like small breasts. There are just many who like big ones better. Breasts are still great no mater what .
Despite that, most men are very turned off by women who worry about themselves to the extent that you're showing. Be happy with what you have. If a guy is staying with you, that should already be evidence enough that he likes what he sees.
Anyway, everybody has certain physical and mental features that they think are best for them. It's very unlikely that anyone will ever find a person that fits that list perfectly. That's just life. It's not even such a bad a thing. I think that such mental lists usually don't even have very much to do with predicting the people we actually end up falling in love with.
You know what, I'm real tired and turned off by the old standard reply that blames women by labeling them as insecure when men behave like jerks.
Some guys make it really clear that they love big tits and they have subtle and some not so subtle ways of letting their small breasted g/friends know about it.In those cases it's pretty obvious that the person who isn't happy with what he has is the guy.That's why I wonder why a guy wouldn't just stay unattached till he finds somebody more to his preferences ?
If say a guy's heigth was a major requirement for me, I wouldn't hook up with a short man and them make him miserable by ogling every tall guy that happened along or making comments about them in front of the guy. No, I'd stay single till someone more to my liking came along and pass on the shorter man,leaving him to find somebody who truly appreciated him.
As for me,I'm happy to pass by by the big breast lovers in favor of somebody who thinks that great things come in small packages