Originally Posted by filtherton
I didn't make any assertions, i'm not obligated to back up claims that i didn't make. I seem to remember you referring to your assertions as facts that will never change. That's a far cry from a hunch. While you're certainly welcome to your opinion, don't you think it is just a tad bit disingenuous to attempt to pass it off as having an immutable factual basis?
I find that most people are all in favor of helping overcome discrimination, racism and sexism, provided they never actually have to lift a finger to do so. It's just a convenient, empty sentiment.
As it stands, AA does help people overcome discrimination. As someone who i've seen call for "fighting fire with fire" when it comes to terrorism, i don't know how you can't understand the potential effectiveness of fighting discrimination with discrimination.
Interesting points.
I agree whole heartedly about intentions and lifting fingers. Affirmative Action, is just that, NOT LIFTING a finger. A hollow gesture that perpetuates discrimination. It is an appeasement that solves nothing, provides no advantage for anyone, and in my opinion pollutes rational thinking. Eliminating discrimintation by discriminating? Am I out in left field here?
Helping someone overcome discrimination by discriminating against someone else...is a zero sum game!
You've seen me call for 'fighting fire with fire' when it comes to terrorism? Are you sure about that?
Remember I am disliked for my anarchist tendencies, but am quite an enigma with my frequent libertarian philosophy.