Doodle, your exactly the type of response I didn't want to hear. I don't need somoene preaching to me about how great it is, and how much more somthing flourish's because of it, because both are completely untrue in lots of cases - and both are completely different for everyone. This child was planned, if I wanted to be easy and convienent, I would have just borrowed somoene elses and returned it later. It's got nothing to do with convience, it's all about the health of my child. Again, refer to the above. If you want to give advice, great. If not, preach to your neighbor. I've got nothing else to say on the subject to you.
Now, on to the good stuff - I understand the perks of nursing, so does my wife, and belive me, we will continue to try. My question was simply that of which was answered, and I appreciate it. The consultant today worked with my wife, and said it could be because the milk hasen't come yet, and he's not getting anything out. She said he was in good position, and latching, and making an attempt, but he won't stay latched, and thats why she thought that.
My fears came to rest about the whole thing when the doctor called herself a "breast-feeding Nazi" and she laughed. She also said it wasen't for everyone, and somtimes simply just doesn't work. A much different stance and approach then I got from her before. I apologized to her, and she just said "Keep at it".
I didn't mean to start a thread full of opinions. My whole point about the post, was that I simply did not want to get in an a tiff with a doctor over somthing that at this point, we've had no control over. I'm also not willing to sacrifice the health of my child, weather in dire need of food, or not. I'm not willing to take that chance.
I appreciate the responses, and we will continue to work at it, and hopefully, god willing he will be able to be breastfed.