Originally Posted by uptown
lol, I'd rather be with a guy who really likes my small breasts and actually prefers them to big ones than to be sitting in the unhappy position of being with a guy who really prefers big breasts and makes no secret of it.
I don't think there are guys out there who don't like small breasts. There are just many who like big ones better. Breasts are still great no mater what
Despite that, most men are very turned off by women who worry about themselves to the extent that you're showing. Be happy with what you have. If a guy is staying with you, that should already be evidence enough that he likes what he sees.
Anyway, everybody has certain physical and mental features that they think are best for them. It's very unlikely that anyone will ever find a person that fits that list perfectly. That's just life. It's not even such a bad a thing. I think that such mental lists usually don't even have very much to do with predicting the people we actually end up falling in love with.