Sheeit. Let's get the grandma in trouble, she shouldn't have let him have it in the first place. IT'S RATED M, YA DUMB BITCH. And then she tries to cover her ass up by suing the company for a part of the game that's not even accessible in the version the kid has!
This is one of the fundemental flaws in the USA's moral system. Sex, something that is PERFECTLY FUCKING NATURAL, is taboo. Violence, not as natural as sex, is embraced and ignored as a problem.
Go to any other country, and there's a nice balance.
I mean, come on, what's more natural than sex? So why don't we want our kids to know about it? I feel that the taboo has grown so much out of proportion that it's sleezy. And I fucking hate that. It's even helped make this country "over-weight". There's so many skinny people that're idolized, that we care too much about our weight. We panick, we become so obsessed, man. Sorry, I kinda got off subject, but I need to get that off my chest.
" Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."
- Lin Yutang
hearts, by d.a.