I disagree with the fact that you feel the need to distinguish an innocent gay person being killed vs. a person being killed.
The US State Department has still refused all comment on this case, and will not condemn it as a human rights violation.
There's a difference here. And i don't think i'm the only one who sees the difference being the queer idenity of the kids involved. Why else would a government that loathes Iran and has highlighted it's human rights abuses fall silent on this one, and this one alone?
I don't suspect this govvernment wishes to follow suit, not in the least. But i do think that they have suspended their normal reaction to avoid conflict with people in this country who believe that execution is not an invalid response to homosexual behavior. if these young fellows had "defamed the Prophet" by preaching evangelical Christianity, i have no doubt that Bush would have done something quite loud by now. that my own government cannot even call a murder a murder....disturbs me.
there is in fact a difference here. and while i share my sorrow with other wrongful executions committed by this regime, that does not diminish the uniqueness of this case. it has implications for queer rights globally, and it has implications for queer rights in this country as well.
a side note...if one doubts that the potential for homophobic violence has dissapated to a safe level...search for this story, and look at the comments posted in blogs. among the usual bluster back and forth is usually a notable minority of approving comments, and requests that Iran continue in it's policies as well as hope that the US might adopt the same laws.
it's a sick sad world sometimes...