Disclaimer: Attention Sis. I know you'll see this post. No offense or anything but, I'm going to have to ask you to please not read this one. Thing is you know both myself, and the person this is about personally and it's just a little bit diffferent than the people here reading it. I of course can't make you not read it but I'm asking you to please not. And if you do anyway...umm..don't tell me you did, and especially don't ask me any questions about it. Sorry if this hurts your feelings but no one in the family will ever read this one. Maybe I'll let you read it later when I'm over this whole thing but until then, please don't. No disrespect and love ya sis!
<center><b>Seperate Rooms
(The Letter)
By: Cristian Fernando Rios</center></b>
We were in seperate rooms, but my heart was with you.
No doubt your eyes were closed, as were mine.
But I’d swear they were wide open the way I could see your face.
I would have sang you to sleep if you’d wanted.
I know you would never want such a thing from me.
Or anything really, except for my kindness.
But just know the offer is there, and so much more.
Of course I’m your friend, and know that I always will be.
But I still can’t pretend I haven’t thought more of you.
Every time you’re near me my eyes can’t help but realize your beauty.
Yes. You are indeed . . . beautiful.
Your hair, your eyes . . . I am addicted to your smile.
It’s too bad I’m not funnier so I could make you laugh all the time.
I wish I could make you glow the way random boys can.
But you never seem quite as happy to see me
As you are to see everyone else. Perhaps thats my fault.
know I stand no chance. And even though you’ve said so jokingly;
I could clearly see your eyes giving it some serious thought.
Evidently a man like me for you is out of the question.
I never am the man for anyone and I don’t know why.
I know I’m not ugly, and I’ve been told so enough to be certain.
But not being wanted by those you want makes you feel you are.
I will actually stare at my reflection to try and see what is wrong with me.
Which is silly because I know it’s not my appearance you don’t like.
They say “out of sight, out of mind” haha I wish that were true.
The truth is these nights are sleepless. Sleeping in the same bed that you
Were sleeping in just days earlier. I try to drown my thoughts of you with music.
My friends would have me drunken you up just to sleep with you.
They are fools. As if that were really the way I would want to have you?
I would never.
All that I would ever ask from you would be one kiss.
Of course...I’ve already asked for that, and I know not to ask again.
The worst is I know I once had a chance with you but waited too long to take it.
I wish I could backtrack to f
ind where I lost you, and change it.
But I can’t change the past, and I know I have no future with you.
Silly me. I guess I figured out just a little too late, just how great you really are.
Or maybe I knew it all along and was too stupid to entertain the thought.
Now I really wish the one you love can see you the same way that I do.
That you will be loved and appreciated the way you deserve to be.
I hope you find a man that will be as good to you as I would (have been).
at least . . . One that will try to be.
As for me? Well I just need to let myself get over you.
Unless of course, you don’t want me to.
But it’s not as if holding onto a false hope will ever benefit me.
You will probably never read this . . . but in case you ever do;
Know that even if we remain friends . . .
And live seperate lives, in seperate worlds . . .
A little piece of my
heart will always be with you.
Take care.
- Cris
A side note this piece was written about the exact same girl that
this poem was written about. I guess I was lying to myself in that one. Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed it.