The schooling aspect is the right way to go - as is the winning of the moral argument (not something you can do if you openly advocate murdering people - you can think it if you want, but in gaining the moral high-ground, you must refrain from expressing, or carrying out those opinions) The high-ground is necessary if we wish to gain the support of the reasonable majority of the non-western population.
This has started happening in Britain, Iraq, the US, and all around the world where revulsion against the cynical and repugnant sickness that is radical, murderous fundamentalism in the form of suicide bombing has grown. The more innocent people who are killed, the further underground the extremists will be pushed -
by their own people. They will become further isolated by their own evil actions. This is a far more effective way of dealing with the threat than marching in ourselves. What we need to do is keep the pressure on those who engage in criminal activity, making arrests, conducting intelligence etc - everything you would do when conducting a regular, due process police investigation against criminals of any other kind.
What I would like to see in the near future is more declarations of
Fatwa against the usage of Islamic suicide bombing - the declaration of the British Muslim clerics was a good start.