It pretty well completely slipped my mind to draw this last weekend. The get together was involving and I rarely thought of that more reflective pursuit.
Besides, I had a Pavlovian response - triggered by having to tear a sketch out of my pad and hand it over to the customs agent (silly me - I was in a secured area
). He brought it back after handing it around the room for 10 minutes - his supervisor told him to tell me btw it was pretty good. The poor crumpled thing is god knows where now - I thought it was stuffed in my knapsack but it could have wound up in the trash.
Anyways, that might be why I drew so little
I wonder if anyone noticed a picture showing me holding a bottle . . .
Pencil sketches. The Toronto end of the ferry route in the embarcation deck.
I opened my sketchbook and there was this huge stain from who knows - I thought the neighbours tree would look good there, sort of pretty it up
The gorgeous weather meant the back porch saw a lot of traffic - Shanifaye was doing some pre-toast improv while the webcam was getting taped to the door
Remember - this is a sketch and I got asked by Maleficent to share what I did. I wish I'd had the opportunity to do extenced life drawings of each of the TFP ladies I met - that would have been really cool
Now that would be a thread all to itself
Maybe another time, eh?
The fellows get equal time - I got Charlatan and PJ as they threw horseshoes around the yard. I eventually moved. I didn't feel safe, so I really didn't get into a lot of drawing just then