Originally Posted by cyrnel
I'd feel better about the kid's motivation had he taken the recording to someone - family, school counselor, even CS - before posting it. Now it's a Springer episode.
This is his mom, I am sure he doesn't think of telling someone else about it first thing. He maybe just wanted some people to hear it, and see how it was for some understanding. Never EVER under any circumstances should a parent act that way with a child. Maybe they both scream when they have untaped fights. But listen to how he curses so freely in front of his parents. You only learn that in a family that has parents that do it. (take the Osmonds for example) This woman should go to jail in my opinion for verbal abuse. This goes way beyond acceptable, and this kid should get as far away from her as possible. Just to let you all know....WOW this disturbs me, and makes me angry as well. He deserves better. Anyone in that situation does. (Sorry for ranting and Raving)