Originally Posted by Charlatan
Yes, he probably wouldn't have been shot if he hadn't run. However, under normal circumstances, would police actually shoot someone for running?
But there's the rub; it
wasn't normal circumstances and they will never be.
Sure, it's excessive to shoot a guy running away if you are trying to ticket him for jaywalking.
Ditto to shoot a guy running away for shoplifting.
But again, this guy was a suspected suicide bomber running into a
Context is
everything here.
And again, why was he
1) Left a house that was under surveillence for ties to a
2) Was wearing a heavy coat in warm weather like many
suicide bombers have done.
3) Ran from cops into a
subway which has been a recent target of
suicide bombers.
So at the end of this, he was shot to stop a threat that [i]was not real, but was reasonable to suspect[/b], given the circumstances.
And there is the key, the cops had a
reasonable suspicion that this man was a lethal threat to them and the innocent people around them.
It is a tragedy, but not murder or even unreasonable force.