Originally Posted by stevo
They have to want to break free, but all they seem to want to do is kill us. You have to admit that some people are beyond repair. Suicide bombers are beyond repair. No amount of therapy will help them from driving truck full of explosives into your hotel lobby. Your intentions are good, but good intentions are what failures look at. Winners look at results. And results take time.
If you live a life of hate, usually on some level there is a need to break free of said hate. A proper psychologist would be able to explore that need and help the potential terrorist to deal with the feelings behind the hate. People aren't born with hate. You say no amount of therepy will help them, I say that I've seen therepy do some pretty unbelievable things, and it's worth a try. Either way, you're right about one thing. We need results.
Originally Posted by politicophile
Well, there aren't very many former suicide bombers around to try and cure. I'm not sure who else would be in need of curing. Are we talking about the folks in charge of the terrorists like bin Laden? They're not gonna change their minds. Are we talking about Joe Camel, the average terrorist? That might work, but how would we get any sort of message across to them?
We're talking about those who we would normally ship off and tortured. We're talking about those who are currently growing in their hate of us because we are treating them like shit on a stick, without the stick. Talk with anyone involved in information gathering in one of the prisons involved in the Iraq conflict and they'll tell you that the information they get is unreliable at best, and usually worthless. We've known that torture was unreliable in gathering information for hundreds of years anyway. I think both parties would be better off if we dealt with this the right way.