High Fidelity - An interesting film starring John Cusack, Jack Black, and a couple other inconsequencials, including Catherine Jones, better known as Catherine Zeta-Jones, in what might have been an upstart role, but I don't know. The best part of this film is the brilliant script which was well acted by Cusack, but might well have been acted as well by a lesser actor, Stephen Baldwin perhaps or maybe that other guy from 'Threesome'. Not to take anything away from Cusack; clearly the man is adept at his craft. What I'm merely saying is that I believe this script is so well written that it can more than compensate for someone whos acting chops may not be Brando-esque. My favourable criticism of this movie is due in part to the movie being about music, something I'm rather passionate about. It is also about heartbreak, and 'not getting the girl', which I can also relate to. All in all I thought this movie was 'good' but not 'great'. The script was really good, but the rest of the movie didn't pull me in the same way. I give it a 6.8/10
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys