Everyone has their own reasons for doing something. One thing about suicide bombing is that it's a relatively cheap way to make a huge impact (either politically, socially or just being able to kill lots of people you hate) - Especially since the west started responding to it so overtly (i.e. by invading other countries) a criminal act such as this will be viewed on TV screens around the world and people will wonder what country might get invaded next, or is it linked to this group or that etc. Years ago, a bomb such as this would be viewed as a separate incident, with separate politics and separate motivations.
The problem is with our response, we've used the word 'terrorists' so much, that whenever a bomb goes off, we will think (as you appear to have done in your initial post) that usage of this tactic means that those behind it are part of a single, global conspiracy against the west.
Yes, the blast may show the hallmarks of Al Quaida, but since anyone who watches the news knows what those 'hallmarks' are, they can be easily duplicated. It doesn't mean that the people behind it believe in the same things - they may well do, but we just don't know.
I find it hard to understand why anyone commits such acts, against anyone - but I suppose it's a cheap alternative to tanks, aircraft and all the ammunition etc that goes with it. There will always be conflict, and in the economic climate at the moment, it's just cheaper to blow yourself up than it is to equip an army.