This entire situation baffles me.
As we all know, M is 17+ . What's a rated R movie? 17+. What rating was Basic Instinct, which had LOADS of graphic sex? R.
Not only that, but... it's NOT okay to see these pixellated sex scene if you're 17, however, a year later, you are of ripe age to experience it in it's entirety? There's really no difference between 17 and 18, and I don't understand why they aren't seeing this.
What this is is a bunch of people in power that honestly have NO IDEA what the hell they're talking about and completely lack any sign of logic and reasoning. They should NOT be in the positions there were elected to and should be removed immediately... yet no one sees this.
You need to go online with the INTENT of applying this patch to unlock the code. Now, if you had the ability to do that, you also have the ability and know-how to access unlimited amounts of hardcore porn.
If someone wants to see sex, they will see it - plain and simple.
I would like to see one VALID reason why sex is so bad, yet all the violence is perfectly okay. Seriously, WHY is sex so bad that we have to censor it to this extent? It's a natural part of life, everyone does it. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for sex. It shouldn't be censored.
There's all this fuss to "protect children", but guess what? When parents' backs are turned, their kids are swearing up a storm. If there's a rated R movie, they're gonna watch it.
Enough of this fucking control and censorship - it's getting out of hand and is completely contradicting everything this country was founded upon.
I love lamp.