Question about my guy materbating?
Awhile back when we had first started dating, my bf made some comment about how he was materbating to pictures of one of his sisters friends, who he had fooled around with once in the past. I got mad, not about him looking at porn and materbating, because I could care less, and I do the same thing. But I was mad about WHAT he was looking at. He apologized and promised never to do it again, and that it would always just be porn(ie people he didnt know). Awhile when I was looking for a site i had previously visted in the history(honest! i dont spy on him or anything like that) I noticed that in the middle of a few porn sites, was a site where a friend of his' sisters msn space photo gallery. Now ive noticed it in the drop down menu a couple times recently as well.
Im just wondering if any guys can tell me, does it mean anything? Im sure it doesnt, but it still kinda makes me wonder why he needs to look at pictures of people he knows and such, when there are tones of hot porn stars out there with pictures(and that show more for that matter lol). How much does the porn your looking at really mean? Or is it always just nothing, and forgotten quickly.