As a few posters have said above.. it was easier for me to get most street drugs as a teenager than it was to get alcohol. Basically that meant we just had to take the risk of stealing it, instead of buying it. Wich we did all the time. Just grab a case of beer at the convenience store.. walk casually to the counter like your going to try and buy it... then just run out the door as fast as you can, beer in hand. Most of the time they wont even try to chase you.
Anyways.. I guess they made the age 21 to make beer illegal so it wasnt so readily available to high schoolers. GOOD WORK. How many high school seniors dont get drunk on a regular basis? Its a huge minority. The 21 drinking age is pretty much just pointless grand standing at this point. The state flexing its athortarian muscles. A useless law.
Maleficient: Im willing to bet you see many more irresponsible 18 year old drunks abroad because they dont have to hide their drunkeness. They can drink at bars with the rest of adults instead of throwing parties in the woods or at their friends house with parents who are out of town. I dont see one as being really better than the other.
Remember, wherever you go... there you are.