Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
yes he should talk to him, but in the absence of agreement there:
because if the dealer friend decides to escalate to the same level of "bringing big friends" over... he brings "bigger" friends over or "armed" friends. Or harassing you on campus or around town....
True, but the last thing dealers want is attention and usually they won't mess if they know there could be trouble.... it could escalate but I seriously doubt it unless the dealer is extremely stupid.
It's business and they want to avoid anything that disrupts or draws attention to that business. At least the intelligent ones do.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
landlord says,"Not my problem, I've got my back covered, I don't care about you."
Depends on your landlord's reputation and how much he values his business. I know in the state of Ohio if a landlord allows drug dealing on his property, he can lose the property to the state. Also, he is in direct violation of the lease which guarantees you a safe place to live (as far as his abilities allow.... acts of God, terrorism, etc. aren't covered) but to put a drug dealer in.... that is definately within his ability to prevent.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
to get lawyer to file grievance may cost more time and $$ than $200.
If you go to college where there's a law school, you can get a student lawyer dirt cheap, possibly for free. I know Univ. of Akron has a program where you can use their law school students and profs for minimal charge or free to help you with your case. I know because I am in the process of using this.
Also, most lawyers will give a free consultation and tell you if you have a case. I believe you would, and as such upon winning or settlement being reached 99% of the time the landlord has to pay the attorney and court costs.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
pick your battles as wisely as you can... there's no need to fight them all the time.
I do agree with this, and if you run, you may find that things are worse..... paying money you can't afford to move, getting a place that is not as nice, whatever.....
I'm sorry but I deal with people like this everyday and the only way you get respect from them is to stand up to them. I seriously doubt the guy makes enough to do any harm to you.
Worst case scenario: he tells you to go fuck off and that he'll do what he wants..... and like I said if that is the case then it is best to move because he is an idiot that will get caught withing weeks.