I agree with your thinking Catmandu.
I realized at the end of 10th grade that I just can't do numbers. I can do the basic stuff and the intermediate stuff, but anything beyond that just doesn't work in my head. Some people have bad joints and can't run or walk well. They can do physiotherapy and get better at it but they may never be as good as someone who runs as a hobby.
I'm like that with numbers and math. It just doesn't 'work' in my head. I did very well in every other class in high school, I have a university degree with a double major and now have a job I enjoy. I do some accounting and financial stuff for my work but with a calculator and Excel I manage just fine.
It sounds like she is trying and she's not happy with her grade. That's a great sign to me. If she really just isn't a math person then don't pressure her. See if she wants to take a class that more people in her age group are taking, or perhaps one just one grade above her and see how she copes.