Originally Posted by Charlatan
Yeah... that's a good excuse... five shots.
I like to wear a coat when it's hot... so what? I'm a target now?
It's from one of "Murphy's law of combat"..."when in doubt, empty the magazine." When you are dealing with somebody who you think wants to kill you, you "kill him a lot."
Just wearing a coat isn't enough to get you in trouble. Wearing an inappropriate coat, while exiting a suspected terrorist hideout, and then running from the police WILL get you in trouble.
My advice to you if you like to wear heavy coats on the subway in the middle of summer is to STOP if the police scream "STOP!" at you. You also might want to raise your hands and not shove them in your pockets.
BTW, would it be any better or worse if he'd only been shot in the head once or twice? He'd still be dead, yes?