Hey guys (and gals too), I just bought my new bundle of joy (or should I say my mother in law just bought) my new son a new swing thing. My problem is that I hate batteries, and only use rechargables myself, but I don't have rechargable D's and this swing only uses D batteries. There is no plug in port, which says to me that the battery companies paid Fisher Price to not include one...
On to the solution
I'm planning to wire in a plug in port on the side (the easy part), now I just have to decide on the specs for the power supply. I know that 1.5V in series adds to 6V DC, but I have no idea at all what kind of draw that motor has

. Do I need a 1amp supply, 100mAh, 10amp????? it doesn't exactly state the specs in the manual, so how the heck should I know. If only I hadn't put my dad away (an electrical engineer), I wouldn't need to ask you guys, but seeing as how he and I don't talk any more, I thought I'd ask here. Any suggestions?
I'm also planning to install a switch so I can switch between battery and stationary power so I don't fry the batteries when it's plugged in with batteries still inside, can anyone suggest a wiring method to make this automatic, I know it can be done, but I'm not sure exactly how or what would be required.
Thanks all