Originally Posted by alansmithee
What about a pedophile or serial killer's moral code? Many dont' believe they are actually doing wrong, but society in general looks down upon their acts. Under your view, they would be allowed to kill and have sex with underage children indiscriminately.
I'd appreciate it if you'd actually read what I wrote and not take it upon yourself to tell me what my view is. You certainly did a poor job of it here.
You say they are more "enlightened". I could say they are more corrupt. Who says who is right?
Exactly. Two different sets of laws regarding the same behavior. That would indicate either that one of these sets of laws is not in line with morality, or that the activities are morally neutral.
Well then, what is the ultimate arbiter of what is moral? In the absence of that, all we can have is an ultimate arbiter of legality, which is your particular country/city/state/whatever's legal code.
I don't believe that there is an ultimate arbiter of morality. This includes laws.