Golux said that very well.
And BoCo, your sense of humor is not the same as everyone elses. You may have tried to mean it as a joke, but... I guess I just didn't see the punchline? Sorry, I don't see any funny parts in your post, other than you sounded like a dolt because of what you said about the girl you were with. I already said it once, and I'll say it again, doing what you did was just rude.
You knew when you posted that, that it would get the "nerdie nerds" going, and it did start a discussion between people that liked it and people that don't. Now you come in and insult them. Gee, you're such a great guy there, BoCo.
Excuse me, I gotta go unbunch my panties, I guess.
When life gives you lemons, sqeeze the juice into a squirt gun and shoot people in the eyes