Hello Popo, I recently went to a new dentists and he said I need to replace two silver fillings because they each had a small part that was chipped (or something I don't remember the exact phrasing). They arn't that old, I'm 20, so they were maybe around 6-11 years old (I have more than 2 fillings so it's hard to remember.) He wanted to do white fillings because if it ever happens again they are easier to repair. So I get the white the fillings, but (its been about 2 weeks) they have been hurting, like when I swish cold water, or bite down on anything. They weren't hurting when I had the silver fillings. They pain isnt that bad, but I'd be pretty pissed if it's permanent. Oh, and I can also feel them with my tongue, theyre rough, not sure if that's important (never had white fillings before).
My sister, who went to him right before I did, had never had a cavity in her life (she's onyl 18 though) but the dentist told her she had two. That isn't too abnormal by itself, but with me not having any pain, then getting pain after he works on me, makes me wonder.
Is this normal then? Getting small chips/cavitys in silver fillings and have them replaced with white? I'm particulary interested in if its normal to feel pain in them afterwards, as I've had 4 or 5 fillings and never had this problem before, so maybe I'm reacting badly to white fillings? Or did he put them in wrong? Could this be a shoddy dentist?