Kinda back to the original point - it is tragic, what happened to those two young men. Legal actions often run into conflict w/moral actions. I see it every day in the news, both U.S. and here in SoFL. Dubya justifies his quagmire of a war, and our Congress backs him. A gay couple in my state tried to adoubt a child, and were refused - based on the fact that they were gay. I do not understand why so many people are afraid of someone whom they perceive as "different". Lagality and morality often cross passes. In the U.S. we have protection of the 1st Ammendment, which some say allow a person to desecrate our flag. I believe in that protection. But I also believe that if I see someone doing this, then I have the right of free expression to kick his ass. Legal - Moral? The bottom line, IMO, is that our governments should focus more on the hate in this world, not the love.