Originally Posted by Gilda
I believe that the people in Iran, as elsewhere, have every right to develop and live thier own lives according to their own moral code. I also believe, however, that it is immoral to use force of law to oppress, imprison, torture, or kill others merely because they do not live according to another's moral framework. It is entirely possible to believe homosexuality to be an abombination in the eyes of god, or to render any moral judgement on it without causing harm to those who are homosexual, or who belong to any other undesirable group. That is where I draw the line. You are free to believe whatever you like, and to act according to that belief, until you actions harm another. That's where your right to act according to your moral code ends.
So if their law says that consentual sex before marriage is punishible by death, and that's a law based on their morality... then how are our laws based on morality any different? You argue that laws meant to torture, imprison, or kill the ones who break them are doing so in accordance with only their moral framework. Based on this, it can then be argued that rape, pedophilia, or murder are acceptable here, as long as a person's morality does not conflict with committing the act, simply because they're moral code doesn't find fault in it. In both examples, everyone says "it is this way" and it is... but one you find fault with because of differences in your opinion of proper morality. The real problem is, you can't determine "proper" morality for others. If it's the law there, it's the law there, and vice-versa.
Think of the reverse. By their laws, we're a perverse bunch of sex-mongers. Our women are all filthy whores because they don't wear clothing to clover themselves head to toe. So how do they feel about us? Your argument only accomodates your own viewpoint and opinions on "morality", not everyone's. Theirs is different.
In America, the laws on the books demonize the use of marijuana. It's considered dirty, disgusting, only for people who waste their life in a haze. In holland (and other countries), it's perfectly normal. No one is looked down upon for it, no one is considered a waste of human life just because of it. Because THERE, that's the way it is. To some people here, it's disgusting and shameful that they toelrate it- not to even mention the prostitution. There, it's the law to allow it.
We're not trying to rain on anyone's gay pride parade, but who is right? Not me. Not you. Not them. The area's residents make the law, and that's all there is to it. You can try to educate, you can try to make change, and that's great... but you have to also accept that they live by THEIR moral code, not yours.