Originally Posted by Zodiak
If the goal is to prevent America from any terror attacks while having them ramp up in the rest of the world exponentially, then yes, your point is valid. I, however, would not advocate for the rest of the world to pay for our strategy with blood in the interest of our protection. There has been too much of that, already, and is reflected in growing world resentment against the United States...an unwelcome development.
The goal is to prevent attacks in America and the rest of the world if we can. We can't control what happens in the rest of the world, although we keep getting accused of trying, no matter what we do.
If asking the terrorists to stay away was the only policy I advocated, then this point would be valid, as well. However, that is not the case (strawman argument). Plus this is a false analogy because terrorists have not been demonstrated to be like alligators in that they have human intelligence, emotions, and a motivation that goes beyond food and reproduction. Seriously, we have to get beyond this "they want to attack us!" mentality and begin to understand our enemy rather than personify them as ferocious animals for simplicity's sake.
You are welcome to try to understand terrorists who attack hospitals, shield themselves behind civilians, and willingly blow up innocent children. Unfortunately, when their stated aim is to kill everyone who does not follow their version of "religion," understanding them leads to the logical conclusion that only death will stop them. Which they have said, and demonstrated via their indiscriminate bombing tactics.
Sun Tsu (IIRC) says that to best defeat an enemy, one must know and understand his enemy (paraphrased from memory)....I am all for rotting Al Queda from the inside by removing their biggest recruiting tools: western imperialism, poverty, helplessness, and mindless fundamantalism.
With the exception of mindless fundamentalism, a great many areas of the world (Latin American, sub-Saharan Africa and others) have the same problems you mentioned, and they aren't bent on destroying everyone who doesn't chant "Allah Akbar."
I have yet to witness an instance of someone changing the mind of a confirmed religious fundamentalist, whether they be Islam, Christian, or anything else. Until you can provide a
proven successful method of doing so, I'll rely on a bullet through the brain of a terrorist as a much better, and more effective negotiating technique than yours.