Your situation is beautiful and very normal, dear heart. Love is a wondrous miracle and I feel priveliged to say that this may- in fact be the best time of your entire life. Talking about the love you share IS special and important. If you are both Christians, then truth is the only way, but I have to admit that love is an amazing feeling & perhaps you two were meant to be lovers. If this isn't appropriate, than take a lot of cold showers and waste time playing mind games of make believe...but in Truth, your first love and the lady you make love with Willl be a blessing & will always be with you and make you totally aware that yes, love IS the answer and God wants us to know true love. Talk it all out, but know that you only live once and it's up to you two whether or not this is the person you want to experience sex with and that this love is the most important feeling you both will ever know. It's time to live, and learn and love. If you are both ready for a commitment ,then say the words needed in truth. And God bless you both in all ways possible! And please be aware of safe sex....(of course ). So what if you both are young...that doesn't matter, if you love eachother. Don't think too much - everyone has a first love. Be authentic and true.
"I need compassion, understanding and chocolate." - NJB
Last edited by hunnychile; 07-22-2005 at 06:29 PM..