From the little I know about here it seems to me that Rice is a very strong woman. Obvioiusly she had to play to the administration in order to get where she is. Now that her possition is secure I think she will beggin pursuing her own agendas.
In related news. It seems that Suddan really couldn't care less if those sanctions are lifted or not because they have a new big friend. China has very strong ties with Suddan and many other rogue govenments in Africa. It seems that they are trying to open up a new market for themselves there. They are buying up all the oil, devoloping resorts and other industiries on the continent.
Human rights groups and many western govenments are very worried about China's recent activity in Africa. If China is willing to deal with any govenment in order to get what they wan't then the process of reform will never happen on the continent.