Originally Posted by martinguerre
...this is the end product of regularizing the same impulses that American society still toys with, the idea that life really would be better without some "them" around.
With much respect to you and your cause, I have to say that the above comment is completely unfounded, and hyperbolic to the point of absurdity.
The Iranian government hanging two young men for being homosexual is in no way, shape, or form
anywhere NEAR "the end product of regularizing the same impulses that American society still toys with". YES, what happened was a tragedy. YES, it's another example of a religious state's oppression of it's own people- and YES, you're using this story to freak out and overexaggerate the way "American society" as a whole "toys with" notions of collectively fucking over the GBLTG communities. We have basic human rights laws. They do not, obviously. We're not going to lay two stiff men in the ground because they're gay. Your argument is playing a dangerous game of "slippery slope" without any basis whatsoever for even an elementary lean in the direction of which you speak.
Anyone can champion a cause- but there's a line you cross when people reading are no longer listening/reading because the manner in which you approach it and the rhetoric used is not palpable to them. Not everyone can be preached to in such black and white terms. It is admirable for one to take the concerns of their community under their wing, but you need to find the balance in teaching vs. preaching, or you lose your key demographic: those you can already reach, just by talking. There are far harder people to affect, so starting with those who will listen is best.
Just my $0.02.