I went ahead and did that Crynel and I didn't see a list of any drives at all.
-run cmd
-list (not listdisk)
After that it just gave me another list of possible command terms, no list of actual items.
Edit: I apologize, I should have mentioned this earlier, but when I first bought the drive, I used it on my friends Apple G5 to steal some of his files. Could this have somehow changed the way it's trying to work? I didn't do any formatting at the time, just plug-n-play. Keep in mind that Remove Hardware is still recognizing the drive and it's specifics (company, make, etc.), I just can't get an icon to access it.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
Last edited by -Ever-; 07-22-2005 at 03:50 PM..