I am opposed to all forms of thuggery, foreign or domestic. The Sudanese government should issue an apology at the very least. At most, they should make an attempt at providing a good environment for their people because right now, it is chaos with the government sitting atop it while reaping the rewards of corruption.
If regime change is to take place, I suggest that it is done with the mutual consent of the majority of the nations of the world and it is done with diplomacy and pressure first, military last. The good thing about economic sanctions against this country is that the people have nohting, so less than nothing would not be a sea change in their condition, which is entirely deplorable.
The plight of many African nations is a serious issue that cannot be seen through the lens of partisanship from within our borders.
They shackle our minds as we're left on the cross. When ignornace reigns, life is lost!
Zach de la Rocha