Originally Posted by zen_tom
No you didn't say that, but you did exactly what he wanted you to do anyway. You raised his profile from low-grade criminal, to folk hero. You legitimised his organisation by publicly using millitary force against him and you have turned many rationally thinking, pro-western people against the west by murdering their families. You continue to make him more popular by forcing your young troops into impossible situations where civillians are bound to be affected, and you continue to use simplistic and see-through arguments in order to justify a failing, and anti-American policy.
And if we sat around a table and called muslim leaders and decided to withdraw our presance from anywhere in the middle east we would have been seen as weak and osama would have been empowered by that.
As for the rationally thinking pro-western turned islamic fascist suicidal bomber because we killed their families, ask the LIVING family members of the london attackers why their children, husbands, wife blew themselves up and murdered all those people if they were still alive?
Their minds were poisoned by their 'spiritual leaders' not because we killed their relatives. Their relatives now fear for their lives because of the destruction their kin caused.