Celllo... I think willravel got it about as close as anyone else here... He presented a reasoned argument until the last couple of sentances where it became a little more editorial (not that I disagree with him but it was uneccessary to his arguement and resulted in this interesting topic being sucked into the morass of Iraq).
I have the same questions you do when people toss out the tired saw of, "those soldiers in Iraq are fighting to protect your Freedom". I just can't make the jump in logic. I tend to agree far more with the statement you made, "fighting for the freedom of these peoples from a cruel and oppressive regime". Even if I don't neccessarily agree that that *was* the reason for the war it just makes more sense to me.
In the end, as you can see from the endless nitpicking and bickering that results from these sorts of discussions, almost all of what is discussed is just spin. In the end, after all has been spun, no one (NO ONE) really knows what is happening but that is just what spin is for.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke