Two things to note: A) He hit you without sufficient reason to, and no prediction could have been made that he was going to. So your suprise is justified, and there's less embarrassment to be had in being false cracked (sucker punched) than there is in getting your ass beat in a straight fight; in other words, don't sweat it. This also means that IF you did swing before him... well, hindsight is 20/20, but clocking a guy for "What the fuck?" isn't kosher.
And B) for anyone who would think "Walk away": Holy fucking shit, he just whapped a guy in the face over "What? You did it first?" and you think that the back of CoA's head isn't considered a "reasonable" target to the guy? The fact that CoA didn't get roughed up by any of this fellows buddies says to me that they knew their player was out of line from the start, and the immediate readiness to hit CoA without provocation indicates that this isn't the first time that he's displayed himself in such a manner for his friends to view (which is to say, even his team mates know he's a prick).
And PS: (In this case it would have been) The idea that the first punch will keep your odds of winning stacked but your odds of jailtime stacked with it isn't correct for every situation. If a guy acts like he's going to fight and you can't talk your way out of it, either the cops take a He Said/She Said approach or there's a third party witness who steps forward, either case being much preffered to an ass whooping.