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Old 07-21-2005, 11:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
George W. Bush Will Be Assinated in the next 2 Years (My Long Theory)


I have done a lot of reading in the last few years since the September 11th attacks on the WTC. Things just dont seem to add up to what we are being told. If you are not open minded please stop reading now because you will be wasting your time. Since the 9-11 attacks there have been many books published, documentaries produced, and articles written about adgendas by the US government to use the base of the 9-11 attacks to further an inititive other than what we are being told to stop terrorism.

At first when I stumbled onto these facts and statements regarding this part of the 9-11 attacks I was very sceptical about what I was reading and where these people were getting their information from. But as more articles and books came out regarding these theories things started to come together by cross checking and refrencing this information.

The basis of my theory that GWB is going to be assasinated starts from the Patriot Act that has been established. Essentially this act revokes the constitution and rights of American citizens in time of war when the greater good is at stake than the rights of the few.

When the new Patriot Act takes effect, which it will, the average citizen of the US will hold no power and no rights. The government will essentially be able to do whatever they want whenever they want without thinking about what the public has to say about it or what their oppinion is. It would be inacting Marshal Law essentially where the army will have control over all.

What does this have to do with the assination? Well with all the misinformation that the public has been fed about 9-11 Ive come to the conclusion that terrorists were not the force behind it. There is just too many inacuracies with the story and what was seen with eye witness accounts, what was shown on TV, what was not shown to the public, what was said by the President and other members of the government.

The 9-11 attacks were caused by the US government. It is the only common factor in all theories, including the official one, regarding the events that happened on 9-11. They all lead back to current or former members of the government, policical sponsors, and government contractors.

The 9-11 attacks were set in place to use shock and awe against the US citizens. This was so that the Patriot act and The Department for Homeland Security could be established without any questions from the average Joe Flagwaver. Essentially by standing around and doing nothing thinking that you can life with less rights and less freedoms to protect your country the door has been left open for worse things to happen.

George W Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones, a Yale fraternity which has spawned numerous US presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Judges and other high ranking persons in the US government and social class. Without going into much detail about the Skull and Bones fraternity Ill just sum up what they are about quickly. Essentially they initiate you into their fraternity promising power and rewards to follow their guidelines and when they give a favour you must repay it inkind without question. They have rituals to name members of their group with code names like many fraternites, but they seem to have a facination with satanic related names. Thats all Im going to say about them.

GWB Sr. constantly talked about a New World Order when he was going into Kuwait. This is interesting because when he said it to Senate it was on Sept. 11 1991. That was his first use of that term. If you look around in speeches by Presidents, VPs etc you will find the term New World Order very frequently. Look on the back of a $1 US bill, under the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye in latin it says New World Order.

GWB's grandfather was Prescott Bush was the head of the Harrimans bank. Which he was arrested and tried for funding Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party to gain power and establish political ideals in Germany at the time. Why did Prescott sign the papers to fund Hitler? This was because Prescott was also a Skull and Bones man. He followed their belief system and when he was established was given access to other groups who followed the ideals of the New World Order. Hitler was attempting to establish a political force at the time to initiate the New World Order of one government rule over the planet. To have all man follow one creed and belief. To follow without question and to have control over all.

GWB is attempting with help of his brothers, family and business partners to establish just what his father and grandfather were unable to fulfull. The way to establish a NWO is to scare the masses into believing that the only way to be saved is to inact a government that rules over all. One body that has one adgenda to protect. When in actuality it is to destroy the weak, the non believers, the rebels and the persons with free thought and a mind of their own.

9-11 didnt do this. It was only a step in the direction to start the NWO. The people behind it know that this is the fact. GWB is not the head of this plan or even in the top of the chain. He is just a person in an influential power position who is controlled by this group of people like a puppet. They tell him what to do and what to say and he acts upon their orders.

What do you think it would take for the masses to be scared to the point where they would sign over all thier rights, all thier freedoms, and all thier abilities to think for themselves? My theory is that the 'brotherhood' behind the NWO have already come to the conclusion on how this would be accomplished. They will assinate GWB.

What better way to scare the masses then to kill the one who is said to be their protector? The one who is only there to shield them from acts of violence against their loved ones. To loose the base of the tower of safety, which GWB is, would cause the whole tower to collapse and send the average man into a downward spiral of doubt in the government.

This will be the time that the Patriot act will be put into place fully. This will be the time when men women and children will be drafted into the army to protect thier land and thier freedoms. When in actuality there are no freedoms left to protect. If you were in power and all of a sudden you have the ability to control everyone and anything in your country would you stop the Patriot act? Give up all this new found power to do whatever you needed or wanted to do.

This is what will be left of the US after this happens. A martial state, controlled by the military, fueled by the draft, and controlled by a select few persons who have been playing the world for the last 30 years.

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