Originally Posted by Suave
No, that's the point. Since everything is living, you may as well eat all of it instead of being selective just because one thing is cuter than the other. Sometimes I fail in my reasoning (I don't think I'll be eating rabbit anytime soon), but that's the general idea.
Dennis Leary does a funny skit on this in his 'No Cure For Cancer' standup. He sums the animal rights movement as:
"Don't eat tuna, because they kill the dolphins that get stuck in the nets"
"Well, what about the tuna?"
"Fuck them, they taste good."
As a society we have branded animals as either good to eat or bad to eat based on a crazy set of rational. Tell someone you ate some Horse for dinner last night and they will most likely get upset, because horses are majestic, beautiful animals, whereas cattle are dumb, ugly breeders. Some 'vegetarians' just won't eat red meat, but will still consume chickens, soon to be chickens (eggs), and fish. North Koreans make meals out of dogs, which most people in North American find apaulling.
Where do we draw the line between an animal that is good to eat and one that isn't? Most people have their own half baked ideas, but if it came down to it, I'm not going to starve because I'm surrounded by 'pretty animal meat'